32 deliverables will be produced over the course of the BioAgora project.
All public deliverables will be available for download below.
D1.2 Results of Demonstration Cases relevant to the BDS2030
D1.3 Results of further Demonstration Cases
D1.4 Systematic overview of forecasts and projections related to the BDS2030 and to specific policies
D2.1 Report on Policy Network Analysis results including a map of actors and SPI networks
D2.2 Policy brief on innovative policy tools to support biodiversity strategy
D2.3 Report on transformative potential of the Science-Policy Interface networks
D2.4 Report on biodiversity policy mismatches and overlaps with recommendations on how to foster cross sectoral dialogue for transformative Science Service
D3.1 Assessment of the state-of-knowledge and baseline to support the BDS2030
D3.2 Knowledge synthesis report of existing and ongoing projects and initiatives
D3.3 Revived EPBRS process, open consultations and Cookbook on knowledge needs and horizon scanning
D3.4 Report of improved synergies for Science Service functions through co-developed tailored programs
D3.5 Compilation of evidence reports on 10-12 topics as required by policy and societal actors requiring in depth analysis and research gaps
D4.1 Report on the governing principles of a Science Service
D4.2 Functional design report of future science service including adequate ethical infrastructure
D4.3 Science Service Business Plan (Confidential)
D5.1 Mapping the needs of decision-makers to tailor capacity development activities
D5.2 Report on capacity development activities and recommendations for uptake in the Science Service
D5.3 Policy brief and recommendations to the Science Service on integrating citizen science into policy decision-making
D5.4 Blueprint for a multi-layered deliberative process to incorporate societal value choices in the Science Service
D6.1 Document of Work and Project Agreement finalised and form of collaboration with EC agreed (Confidential)
D6.3 Gender and equality action plan, criteria for environmental assessment and set of indicators
D6.4 Final report of the project
D6.5 The cascade funding report
D6.7 2nd Data Management Plan
D6.8 3rd Data Management Plan
D7.1 Initial Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication of Results (PEDR)
D7.2 Visual identity, project branding and website
D7.3 Promotion strategy of the Science Service
D7.4 Final Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication of Results of Bio-Agora (PDEC)